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Retail & DTC Strategies Converge

What Retailers Have Learned from DTC Strategies (and vice versa)

Imagine your top VIP customer. Imagine you know everything about her: what she likes, what she doesn’t like, what her favorite color is, what flavors she loves (and which she hates). Now take all of that information, bundle it up, and make the perfect product and deliver it to her exactly when she’s expecting it. Did […]


How to Build a Digital Commerce Flywheel

There continues to be a disconnect between the digital and physical operations of most businesses. The pandemic has accelerated the adoption of technology that brings these worlds and datasets closer together, but there is still a large divide for many organizations. For example, most restaurants, grocery stores, QSRs, and retailers don’t know who their customers […]

Online Grocery Soars as Customer Satisfaction Falls

The growth of online food ordering is nothing short of staggering. In March 2020, consumers shifted the ways they shopped overnight – and there has been no looking back. According to eMarketer, online grocery sales are expected to exceed $100 billion for the first time this year – and it’s not likely to slow down, […]

Digital Marketing in a Cookie-less World

Data-driven digital marketing doesn’t have to crumble alongside third-party cookies Welcome to 2020. It’s a bizarre land of pandemics, a largely remote workforce, Tiger King, murder hornets, and everyone trying to figure out what our new normal looks like. In the midst of all this upheaval, the digital marketing community itself is also poised for […]