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The Rise of Pop-Up Shops

Physical stores are a sprouting trend for digitally native direct-to-consumer brands Leading retailers of all industries and sizes are continuing to seek innovative ways to bring exceptional consumer experiences to their customers in the midst of ever-evolving market competition. For direct-to-consumer (D2C) brands native to online environments, the most recent trend has been branching out […]

NFC vs. BLE – Which is Right for You?

Near Field Communication (NFC) and Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE); both are two of the leading technologies powering modern services in our smartphones, yet they are designed with very different user experiences in mind. If you are in the process of recreating your mobile app experience, consider how the technologies differ from one another and which […]

Dependency Management, So Easy a Caveman Could Do It.

Dependency Management, So Easy a Caveman Could Do It. That’s right, even for the programmers and developers of the Paleolithic Era, managing the many different libraries one may use in an Android or iOS application can be quick and easy.  We developers at Gimbal support this movement to uncomplicate dependencies, so we have jumped on […]

Geofencing: Understand the Big Picture

Geofencing: Understand the Big Picture Focus on the Forest Before the Trees Location-based marketing has garnered significant attention in recent years and there are many technologies that have grabbed headlines: RFID, NFC, Bluetooth, GPS, the list goes on and on. While each of these technologies can be extremely valuable depending on the use cases you […]

Beacon Placement Best Practices

Beacon Placement Best Practices An Engaging, Revenue Generating Solution Beacons are predicted to be fundamental to the revenue growth strategy of companies looking to drive unique and engaging experiences offline. As a recent CMO article discusses, Tony Fross, VP of the Digital Advisory Service at Capgemini Consulting, states: “Beacons are the most powerful weapon in […]

Maximizing Mobile with Beacons, NoSQL and Analytics

Maximizing Mobile with Beacons, NoSQL and Analytics Talk to any modern marketer, Omni-channel marketing is their business’ holy grail, and something they are trying to implement at neck-breaking speed.  One of the biggest challenges they face is connecting online and offline behaviors and insights to enable more real-time engagement with their consumers.  One solution that […]

Using Gimbal to Maximize Enterprise Locations

We are at an inflection point in our industry- ripe for explosion and the path towards ubiquity. In the not too distant future, location solutions will be as common for enterprises as having a web domain and email marketing program. While location technologies (e.g., beacons and geofences) were initially in their hype-phase, leading enterprises took […]