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Making Location-Awareness Actionable

Location awareness is only as valuable as it is actionable. In this post, I’ll highlight three different ways app publishers can utilize location to improve their user experience in the physical world: Location-based push notifications Utilizing complementary sources of data to drive engagement & ROI Dynamic personalization of content Location-Based Push Notifications Push notifications and […]

Why Location Intelligence Will Revolutionize Retail

The proliferation of mobile devices has had a transformational effect on the shopping experience. It has forced retailers to shift their marketing efforts and focus to the fastest growing, most personalized channel — a shopper’s phone. Imagine the following example, you walk by a retail store whose website you happened to be browsing last week. […]

To BLE or Not BLE: Using Bluetooth Beacons or Geofences

Congratulations you’ve launched your mobile app! But you want to enhance the functionality with location-based trigger messages or other location-specific app features. On today’s mobile platforms, you have two primary options when choosing to enable location features in your application geofencing and Bluetooth beacons. Bluetooth beacons are getting a lot of attention these days but […]