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This eBook Explains Why Your Marketing Still Isn’t Relevant (And How to Fix It)

  Download Now There’s a problem emerging in marketing. The number of connected devices in the world is increasing dramatically – an estimated 30 billion by 2020. Each device generates data points every second of every day. This isn’t just online, browser-based behavior data collected anonymously. Not anymore. Our devices go everywhere with us. They’re […]

Using Location to Improve the Customer Experience

Those that are new to Gimbal and beacon/geofencing technologies often ask for the best or most impactful use-cases. The truth is, there are many powerful location-triggered experiences, but the best ones have one common thread – improving the customer experience in the physical world. The ultimate goal is to combine the benefits of digital insights and […]

Location-based marketing myths

5 Location-Based Marketing Myths BUSTED!

The busiest selling time of the year is upon us! While the holiday shopping season is under way for consumers, retail marketers received their presents early in the way of beacons and location based marketing to improve their holiday sales. But like the holiday season itself, rife with myths and lore, so is the understanding […]