How OTT Ads Can Jumpstart Your Business Growth

by | Aug 7, 2023

OTT, or “over-the-top” advertising, is exploding right now, giving marketers new ways to reach their target audiences, grow revenue, and gain top-of-mind awareness. But does it deserve a place in your ad strategy?

OTT refers to any form of advertising that delivers content via the internet without the need for a traditional cable or satellite TV subscription. Unlike traditional linear TV ads, which are delivered through a single channel to everyone who is watching at the same time, OTT ads are delivered through multiple channels and can be targeted to specific audiences.

This makes OTT ads more effective than traditional TV ads, as they can be tailored to specific demographics and interests. Could OTT be key to unlocking major business growth? Here’s how OTT ads can play a role:


Stand Out in the New Normal

People change, and so do the ways in which brands reach them. With more consumers using streaming services like Netflix and Hulu (and not just on their TVs), it’s important for brands to find new ways to connect with them. 

Connected TVs provide an attractive opportunity for advertisers to stand out in the face of evolving consumer habits and preferences. With video marketing and video consumption continuing to skyrocket, using OTT ads allows you to meet customers wherever they are online.


Reach Cord Cutters and Diverse Audiences with Precision Targeting

We’ve come a long way since the days of choosing specific TV channels and broadcasting the same message to a mass audience. These days, advertising can and should be more targeted, especially since more than 39.3 million people have cut the cord.

OTT ads are delivered to audiences who are already engaged with digital content. They are also highly personalized, allowing you to target specific segments of your audience based on things like demographics, interests, and even viewing habits. What’s more, OTT platforms offer a wealth of data that you can use to further refine your targeting efforts.


Develop Dynamic Creative

OTT ads steer clear of a one-size-fits-all approach and allow brands to experiment with different types of creative. For example, companies can tap into a user’s location and show them available inventory at their local store. This is a huge leap from sending the same mass message to millions of viewers, plus it retains the scalability of being able to serve dynamic experiences with minimal effort.

The more tailored your creative, the more likely your audience is to engage.


Adjust Your OTT Strategy and Spend on the Fly

One of OTT’s greatest advantages is its ability to share data with advertisers and publishers in real-time. By seeing engagement rates and successes almost instantly, brands can make better spending decisions and double down on their wins. Or, if campaigns aren’t performing, they can adjust their creatives to improve their results rather than letting a lackluster ad experience rack up expenses.


How Infillion Takes Your OTT Ads to New Heights

Infillion’s suite of OTT technology helps you enter the future of connected TV. We support multiple creative formats for OTT ads and provide the expertise necessary to optimize your content for CTV media. Get in touch today to learn more!

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