Cayenne Car Configurator

Best Automobile Online Ad
To help users discover the latest Cayenne, Porsche worked with Infillion to put users in the driver’s seat to build their own version of the Cayenne in exchange for a reduced ad load. This unique, first-to-market “car configurator” technology was built in-house at Infillion and was deployed across desktop, mobile, and connected TV leading to exceptionally strong results.
Performance Results

The Porsche – Cayenne campaign with TrueX drove a 6.7% CTR ¹ – 5X higher than TrueX auto benchmark!

The campaign drove statistically significant lift in upper, middle, and lower funnel measures, increasing the brand KPI of consideration by 17%.²

Consumers interacted with the unit 4.7 times on average and spent nearly 47 seconds on average in-unit (17 seconds more than guaranteed³), indicating that the personalized messaging incentivized interest and helped encourage consumers to spend extra time in-unit configuring their ideal model.
¹TrueX Auto 2024 CTR benchmark: 1.3%
²Brand Lift results measured by Infillion’s proprietary brand lift methodology, UpLift
³TrueX billable guarantee: 30s time spent in-unit + 1 interaction
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